Scientific Bulletin of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs. - 2022. - Special Issue № 1 (120) : [55] Головна сторінка зібрання Перегляд статистики

Scientific Bulletin of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs. - 2022. - Special Issue № 1 (120). - 356 р.

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Матеріали зібрання (Сортування за Дати збереження у за спаданням порядку): 21 до 40 з 55
Попередній переглядДата випускуНазваАвтор(и)
20.pdf.jpg2022Legal regulation of personal data protection in the countries of the worldRybalchenko, Liudmyla; Kosychenko, Alexander; Klinytskyi, Illia; Рибальченко, Людмила; Косиченко, Олександр; Кліницький, Ілля
21.pdf.jpg2022U.S. police unions: new troubles and challengesSamotuha, Andriy; Nedria, Kyrylo; Самотуга, Андрій; Недря, Кирило
22.pdf.jpg2022Separate issues regarding the division of movable and immovable property of the wife in divorceNagorna, Olena; Lahun, Karyna; Siatynia, Mykola; Нагорна, Олена; Лагун, Карина; Сятиня, Микола
23.pdf.jpg2022Problematic issues and proposals for improving the institution of judgments revision under newly discovered or exceptional circumstancesZhuravel, Oleg; Журавель, Олег
24.pdf.jpg2022Problems of legal regulation of economic activities in UkraineProtopopova, Natalіia; Das, Biswajit; Протопопова, Наталія; Дас, Бісваджит
25.pdf.jpg2022Criminal law protection of the right to privacy in the medical field: international and national contextRiabchynska, Olena; Stomatov, Eduard; Рябчинська, Олена; Стоматов, Едуард
26.pdf.jpg2022Criminological characteristics of the identity of the abuser who commits a criminal offense in the home sphereBuriak, Kateryna; Буряк, Катерина
27.pdf.jpg2022Criminal offences committed in imprisonments of the State Criminal Executive Service of UkraineKolodchyn, Dmytro; Колодчин, Дмитро
28.pdf.jpg2022Legal regulation and mechanisms for compensation for damage caused by a crime under legislation of the Republic of MoldovaPaustovska, Natalia; Popushnoy, Dmytro; Паустовська, Наталія; Попушной, Дмитро
29.pdf.jpg2022Regulatory framework for police activities in the field of combating sexual violence against childrenFursa, Vadym; Фурса, Вадим
30.pdf.jpg2022Foreign experience of criminological protection of justiceKhrystova, Yuliya; Христова, Юлія
31.pdf.jpg2022Theoretical approaches to the research of combating criminal offenses committed by organized groups and criminal organizationsYefimov, Volodymyr; Sanakoyev, Dmytro; Єфімов, Володимир; Санакоєв, Дмитро
32.pdf.jpg2022Observance of the principle of the presumption of innocence during the application of the criminal legal prohibition dedicated to illicit enrichmentHrab, Andrii; Граб, Андрій
33.pdf.jpg2022Functions of the State Migration Service in combating the offenses of foreigners in UkraineRyzhkova, Svitlana; Рижкова, Світлана
34.pdf.jpg2022Current experience in the field of protection against family violence and peculiarities of preventionTsurkalenko, Dmytro; Цуркаленко, Дмитро
35.pdf.jpg2022Coordination of the activities of bodies and units of the National Police of Ukraine during disclosure and investigation of criminal offensesChaplynskyy, Kostyantyn; Чаплинський, Костянтин
36.pdf.jpg2022Work with forensic versions as a method of legal knowledgeKaliuga, Karina; Калюга, Карина
37.pdf.jpg2022Algorithm formation for assessing value of consumer goods by forensic merchandising expert in cases of consumer protectionPetrova, Iryna; Dontsova, Olha; Kipusheva, Tetiana; Петрова, Ірина; Донцова, Ольга; Кіпушева, Тетяна
38.pdf.jpg2022Characteristic of the further stage of the investigation of thefts from private housesPyrih, Ihor; Пиріг, Ігор
39.pdf.jpg2022Electronic criminal proceedings: international experience of using information systems for algorithmization of criminal justiceAntoniuk, Olena; Антонюк, Олена
Матеріали зібрання (Сортування за Дати збереження у за спаданням порядку): 21 до 40 з 55