Матеріали зібрання (Сортування за Дати збереження у за спаданням порядку): 21 до 40 з 44
Попередній перегляд | Дата випуску | Назва | Автор(и) |
| 2020 | Modern state and signs of illegal activity in the field of transplantation | Mysliva, O.; Мислива, О. |
| 2020 | Process of detention in ukrainian criminal procedure | Lazareva, D.; Reztsova, N.; Лазарева, Д.; Резцова, Н. |
| 2020 | Application of case law of the European Court of Human Rights In providing temporary access to items and documents | Harkusha, A.; Rets, V.; Гаркуша, А.; Рец, В. |
| 2020 | Substitution maintenance therapy - effective prevention or way of committing a crime | Bidniak, H.; Бідняк, Г. |
| 2020 | Objectives of criminology at the current stage of development of Ukraine and in the perspective | Prymachenko, V.; Shablystyi, V.; Примаченко, В.; Шаблистий, В. |
| 2020 | Bankruptcy of the enterprise and its rehabilitation | Nahorna, O.; Нагорна, О. |
| 2020 | Protection of intellectual property rights | Lapko, A.; Polishchuk, M.; Лапко, А.; Поліщук, М. |
| 2020 | Pension support of police officers in Ukraine | Timchenko, L.; Тимченко, Л. |
| 2020 | Certain aspects of the legal regulation of joint investment institutions operation in the EU | Rezvorovych, K.; Резворович, К. |
| 2020 | Protection of intellectual property in Ukraine: prospects and challenges of implementation | Kruglova, O.; Круглова, О. |
| 2020 | Features of the implementation of a public offer agreement in e-commerce in ukrainian, polish and russian law | Kosychenko, O.; Klinytskyi, I.; Косиченко, О.; Клиницький, І. |
| 2020 | Activities of the National police as a subject of ensuring prevention of offenses In the field of illegal trafficking of drug substances and their substances | Chaus, A.; Чаус, А. |
| 2020 | Combatting administrative offences committed by foreigners as a component of administrative activity of state migration service of Ukraine | Ryzhkova, S.; Рижкова, С. |
| 2020 | Conflicts arising during verbal communication between law enforcement officers and the public | Kaznacheyev, D.; Tymofeyev, V.; Казначеєв, Д.; Тимофєєв, В. |
| 2020 | Some features of service in the police according to the legislation of the Republic of Lithuania | Ivanytsya, A.; Іваниця, А. |
| 2020 | Law enforcement reform in Ukraine - A one-time phenomenon or a constant process? | Bochkovyi, O.; Mozhechuk, L.; Бочковий, О.; Можечук, Л. |
| 2020 | Evaluation of the efficiency of providing social and service services by the police of the countries of Western Europe and Uukraine | Myroniuk, S.; Antoniv, M.; Миронюк, С.; Антонів, М. |
| 2020 | Public gender-legal expertise as a form of public control: theoretical and legal aspect | Sirko, L.; Сірко, Л. |
| 2020 | Gender equality as a value of law | Petrenko, S.; Babyak, A.; Bilan, D.; Kostyuk, Yu.; Kyrychenko, A.; Петренко, С.; Кириченко, А.; Білан, Д.; Баб’як, А.; Костюк, Ю. |
| 2020 | Problems of implementing the rights to housing and health protection of internally displaced persons in ukraine: theoretical and practical aspects | Isayeva, N. |
Матеріали зібрання (Сортування за Дати збереження у за спаданням порядку): 21 до 40 з 44