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Результати 121-130 зі 143.
Знайдені матеріали:
Попередній переглядДата випускуНазваАвтор(и)
11.pdf.jpg2021Organized crime as a social system: characteristics and trendsKramarenko, Y.; Крамаренко, Ю.
15.pdf.jpg2021Concepts and preconditions of European regional policyAdashys, L.; Адашис, Л.
2.pdf.jpg2022Object-Subject-Superject: The Beauty of MindSimon, L.; Саймон, Л.
20.pdf.jpg2021Establishment of state authorities and governance of soviet Ukraine and their functioning in 1920th – the first half of the 1930th: historical and legal aspectLavryk, H.; Dudchenko, O.; Лаврик, Г.; Дудченко, О.
2.pdf.jpg2021Directions of anti-crisis management of restaurant businessPshinko, O.; Charkina, T.; Pikulina, O.; Basistha, N.; Пшінько, О.; Чаркіна, Т.; Пікуліна, О.; Басіста, Н.
11.pdf.jpg2022Global consequences of the loss of business in countries around the world caused by fraudRybalchenko, L.; Ryzhkov, E.; Ciobanu, G.; Рибальченко, Л.; Рижков, Е.; Чобану, Г.
18.pdf.jpg2022Organization and planning of the process of investigation of road accidents in the republic of MoldovaLuchin, L.; Лучін, Л.
19.pdf.jpg2021History of the death penalty in Ukraine: causes, stages and influence on public awarenessOstrohliad, O.; Ilyn, L.; Tsymbalista, L.; Острогляд, О.; Ільїн, Л.; Цимбаліста, Л.
5.pdf.jpg2021Trends and prospects of economic cooperation between the republic of Kazakhstan and UkraineParshyna, O.; Parshyn, Yu.; Паршина, О.; Паршин, Ю.
Pherl-22122021.pdf.jpg2021Philosophy, Economics and Law Review Volume 1 (1)ДДУВС