Досліджено особливості подання та розгляду запиту на отримання інформації про
діяльність судів як форми громадського контролю за її діяльністю. Визначено поняття публічної
інформації, порядок та особливості розгляду публічного запиту та надання інформації про
діяльність суду, види інформації про діяльність суду, яка не підлягає оприлюдненню та захист
інформації з обмеженим доступом.
The article is devoted to the study of the peculiarities of submitting and
considering a request for obtaining information about the activity of courts as a form of public control over its
activity. The concept of public information, the procedure and features of considering a public request and
providing information about court activities, types of information about court activities that are not subject to
publication and protection of information with limited access are defined.
An analysis of the legal framework for providing and publishing information about the court’s
activities and the procedure for providing such information was carried out. It has been found that the
following measures are taken by the court aimed at access to public information of which they are the
managers in the following ways: 1) systematic and prompt publication of public information in official
printed publications; 2) posting of public information on the official website of the State Administrative
Court, court websites and the Internet; 3) placement of public information on information stands in court
premises; 4) provision of information upon information requests; 5) provision of open access to the
Unified State Register of Court Decisions.
In order to unify the procedure for consideration of citizens’ appeals and requests for public
information, it is proposed to develop a Model Regulation «On the Procedure for Consideration in Courts of
Citizens’ Appeals and Requests for Provision of Public Information about Court Activities», which should
be approved by the Order of the State Administrative Court and include the following provisions: types of
public information about activities of the court, which is publicly available and posted on the information
resources of the State Administrative Court; types of public information about the court’s activities that can
be provided upon request and which cannot be provided upon public request and constitute a state secret,
information with limited access and contain confidential information; subjects of consideration of requests;
the procedure for considering requests and forming and sending responses to the applicant (taking into
account the peculiarities of submission and consideration of electronic requests).