Перед сучасним суспільством стоїть багато дуже важливих, що мають фундаментальне
значення для подальшого розвитку та самого існування світу, питань, серед яких проблема
ідеального суспільства. В будь-якому середовищі і досі, можливо різною мірою, є сигніфікація
опозиції, відмінності. У сучасному суспільстві продовжують існувати такі опозиції, як
індивідуалізм\ спільнота; відокремленість\колективність, маскулінність\фемінінність. Сьогодні
дуже важливо перевести ці відмінності у площину діалектичної єдності. У цій опозиції кожен
термін визначається у вигляді протиставлення, у вигляді негативного ставлення до «Іншого». Але
в сучасному світі це протиставлення вже повинно набути іншого сенсу, повинно простежуватися
як логічно обумовлена взаємозалежність та взаємна впливовість. Протиставлення
індивідуалізм\спільнота знаходить своє вираження у сучасній культурі у вигляді дихотомічного
протиставлення гендерних ідентичностей: маскулінності\фемінінності.
Modern society faces many
extremely important issues that are of fundamental importance for further development and the very
existence of the world, including the problem of an ideal society. The article proves that in any
environment, there is still, perhaps to varying degrees, the significance of opposition, differences. The
research establishes that such oppositions as individualism and community continue to exist in modern
society; separateness\collectivity, masculinity/femininity. We indicate that today it is extremely important
to translate these differences into the plane of dialectical unity and mutual enrichment. In this opposition,
each term in the past was defined in the form of opposition, in the form of a negative relation to the
"Other". The paper analyzes that in the modern world this opposition should acquire a different meaning,
should be traced as a logically determined interdependence and mutual influence.
We studied that gender, like any other social construct, is multidimensional; it is not only
related to issues of identity or any other narrowly focused problems. We prove that gender patterns differ
in different cultural contexts. Gender agreements, placement of accents are reproduced not biologically,
but socially.
We believe that gender is formed by the person himself. Representatives of social
constructionism define gender as a social construct, understanding it as social processes through which
and within which gender manifests its existence and undergoes changes under the influence of actions and
internal changes of individuals representing the performance of gender identity. We consider that one of
the strongest sources of support for this idea is cross-cultural research. The opposition
individualism/community finds its expression in modern culture in the form of the opposition of gender
differences: masculinity/femininity. The work insists that content, nature, and role of gender differences
are disclosed and subjected to socio-philosophical analysis. The analysis determines the place of gender
differences in the formation of social and cultural discourse of society. The research highlights trends of
gender differences’ development and their interaction with modern scientific currents. The paper notes
that the society that wants to build a new system of relations, which stands in the position of the
competence value of an individual, faces the difficult problem of eliminating the existing dichotomy as
the basis of the modern world order. The article indicates that the variability and variability of definitions
and their demonstration in different cultures is enormous. It turns out that there is no single universal
gender system. Having analyzed the variations of gender through the lens of different cultures, scientists
contest the fact that the content of the category masculinity is the same all over the world; on the contrary,
it differs even within the subcultures of one particular society, the same situation is with the content of the
category "femininity".
The opposition individualism/community finds its expression in modern culture in the form of
the opposition of gender differences: masculinity/femininity. The paper discloses the content, nature and
role of gender differences in connection with social – philosophy discourse. The work determines the
place of gender differences in the formation of social and cultural discourse of society. The paper
analyzes trends of their development and interaction with modern scientific currents. The research notes
that the society that wants to build a new system of relations, which stands in the position of the
competence value of an individual, faces the difficult problem of eliminating the existing dichotomy as
the basis of the modern world order.