The Journal is a collection of scientific articles, published in English, dealing with current problems of law and law-enforcement. There are also publications covering issues of legal education. The journal contains reviews ...
The article provides a comprehensive analysis of the role of modern transnational companies
(TNCs) in the formation of the socio-economic and geopolitical reality of the information society. The
ability of TNCs to quickly ...
The article is devoted to the study of the nature of judgments of the European Court of Human
Rights and their significance as a source of law in the context of Ukraine. The case law of the European
Court of Human Rights ...
The article provides a comparative description of the essence, grounds for granting and
terminating the status of a refugee and a person receiving temporary protection, as well as the extent of
their legal personality. ...
The article examines the legal regulation of national security in Ukraine. The author analyzed the
concept of national security and its components. The article examines the system of normative legal acts
in the field of ...
This article starts a cycle of publications highlighting problems of constitutional restriction of the
right to information, countering enemy propaganda and promoting one’s own ideologues and narratives
as elements of ...
This scientific article examines the role of constitutional norms in the formation of social
standards in the United States, the countries of the European Union, and Ukraine. The article considers
theoretical and legal ...
The article highlights the issue of the concept and essence of martial law as an emergency legal
regime, the understanding of the concept of legal regime, as well as characteristic features, features of the
introduction ...
In the article, based on the analysis of the current legislation of Ukraine and the practice of its
application, the theoretical understanding of a number of scientific works from various fields of
knowledge, the essence, ...
Municipal Police plays a key role in ensuring an adequate level of security environment in
European communities. Its main task is interaction with the population, prevention of misdemeanors.
Ukraine is also reforming the ...
The article focuses on legal aspects related to firearms in the National Police of Ukraine. The
article analyzes the current legal acts that define the difference between the term’s "use" and "active use"
of firearms, ...
The research highlights the approaches of researchers and the normative definition of the concept
of the permit system, its main elements in the context of participation in its functioning by the National
Police of ...
This article focuses on the identification of primary infringements within the domain of human
rights and freedoms in temporarily occupied territories, as well as the delineation of protective
mechanisms. The study ...
The article examines the use of portable video recorders by precinct police officers when
responding to situations related to domestic violence.
Domestic violence is a very common problem that needs to be addressed by ...
The article examines the social protection and social security of police officers who perform the
dangerous and important work of ensuring public safety. The authors examine various aspects of the
social protection of ...
The article, based on a critical analysis of the current legislation governing public relations in the
security and defense sector of the state, considers the state of regulatory and legal support in the fight
against ...
The urgency of the study is determined by the necessity of a systematic study of the state of
copyright protection, in particular due to the constant development of the information sphere. The issue of
protection of ...
In the article the authors focus on the state of research on tort obligations in private international
law in Ukraine and Romania. They explain the differences in the choice of law legislation in Ukraine and
Romania. ...
The article states that in various countries, the consequences of crime in the family sphere can
be mental, physical, economic and sexual injuries, which can become a threat to the life and health of not
only spouses, ...
The article examines the problematic issues of Article 438 (Violation of the Laws and Customs of
War) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. The author reveals the forms of this crime, namely: cruel
treatment of prisoners of ...