Представлено новітні пропагандистські наративи росії, пов’язані з ґендерною тематикою,
що використовуються країною-агресоркою у веденні інформаційної війни і є частиною широкої
російської пропаганди проти України та країн західної ліберальної демократії – з метою їх
розвінчання. Узагальнено дії українського Уряду, спрямовані на забезпечення конструктивних
стратегічних комунікацій у сфері ґендерної політики. The newest
propaganda narratives of russia related to gender issues are presented, which are used by the aggressor
country in the conduct of information warfare and are part of the broad russian propaganda against
Ukraine and the countries of Western liberal democracies – with the aim of debunking them. Russian
politicians and propagandists claim that the desired state of affairs is sacrosanct for adherents of
"traditional values." Therefore, it needs protection and preservation. the Russian Federation did not sign
the Istanbul Convention because, according to Russian ideologues, the provisions of the Convention are
not compatible with the norms of traditional morality and the foundations of state family policy existing
in the country. The actions of the Ukrainian Government aimed at ensuring constructive strategic
communications in the field of gender policy have been summarized.
According to the authors, a powerful step in countering manipulation is Ukraine's ratification of
the Council of Europe Convention on the prevention of violence against women and domestic violence
and the fight against these phenomena, which Russia and its satellites have opposed for many years.
Ukraine expects that systematic measures will significantly reduce the impact of disinformation
on society. These measures are carried out in strict accordance with the legislation of Ukraine and its
international obligations in the field of human rights, which provide for a set of necessary
counterbalances that will ensure a balance between the fight against disinformation and the observance of
the right to freedom of expression.