Правопорушення у сфері інформаційних технологій становлять реальну загрозу
суспільним відносинам на внутрішньодержавному рівні та міжнародному правопорядку.
Проблема протидії правопорушенням у сфері інформаційних технологій неодноразово
розглядалася в документах регіональних міжнародних організацій. Оскільки кожен
регіональний правовий режим є унікальним і має свої особливості, у статті
розглядаються можливі наслідки такої регіоналізації. На основі проведеного
дослідження зроблено висновок, що регіоналізація міжнародно-правової взаємодії у
боротьбі забезпечення кібербезпеки має свої позитивні і негативні сторони та призвела
до ситуації, яка частково може бути пояснена транснаціональним характером
правопорушень у цій сфері. Offenses in the field of
information technologies pose a real threat to social relations at the domestic level and the international
legal order. Organized criminal groups use new technological means for illegal purposes, causing harm to
individuals and legal entities. The specified torts are distinguished by a high degree of latency and in
many cases acquire a transnational character, which causes difficulties in their disclosure, bringing the
guilty persons to justice, and also actualizes the need to consolidate the efforts of competent authorities of
states around the world. The problem of combating offenses in the field of information technologies has
been repeatedly considered in the documents of regional international organizations and the United
Nations. It should also be noted that cooperation in the field under study is defined as one of the strategic
conditions contributing to the achievement of goals in the field of sustainable development.
Since each regional legal regime is unique and has its own characteristics, the article considers the
possible consequences of such regionalization. Based on the conducted research, the author concludes
that the regionalization of international legal cooperation in the fight against cybercrime has its positive
and negative sides and has led to a situation that can be partially explained by the transnational nature of
offenses in this area. On the one hand, a regional agreement is the best way to solve a problem within a
certain region. On the other hand, different approaches to the legality of actions carried out on the Internet
or with the use of computer technologies can hinder mutual legal assistance or extradition between
countries belonging to different regions.
Thus, taking into account the importance of cooperation in combating offenses in the field of
information technologies, the fragmentation and disparity of the provisions of regional treaties, it is
urgent for states to develop coordinated approaches and conclude a corresponding international treaty
under the auspices of the United Nations. Regional international legal regulation, in turn, is characterized
by fragmentation and diversity. Offenses in the field of
information technologies pose a real threat to social relations at the domestic level and the international
legal order. Organized criminal groups use new technological means for illegal purposes, causing harm to
individuals and legal entities. The specified torts are distinguished by a high degree of latency and in
many cases acquire a transnational character, which causes difficulties in their disclosure, bringing the
guilty persons to justice, and also actualizes the need to consolidate the efforts of competent authorities of
states around the world. The problem of combating offenses in the field of information technologies has
been repeatedly considered in the documents of regional international organizations and the United
Nations. It should also be noted that cooperation in the field under study is defined as one of the strategic
conditions contributing to the achievement of goals in the field of sustainable development.
Since each regional legal regime is unique and has its own characteristics, the article considers the
possible consequences of such regionalization. Based on the conducted research, the author concludes
that the regionalization of international legal cooperation in the fight against cybercrime has its positive
and negative sides and has led to a situation that can be partially explained by the transnational nature of
offenses in this area. On the one hand, a regional agreement is the best way to solve a problem within a
certain region. On the other hand, different approaches to the legality of actions carried out on the Internet
or with the use of computer technologies can hinder mutual legal assistance or extradition between
countries belonging to different regions.
Thus, taking into account the importance of cooperation in combating offenses in the field of
information technologies, the fragmentation and disparity of the provisions of regional treaties, it is
urgent for states to develop coordinated approaches and conclude a corresponding international treaty
under the auspices of the United Nations. Regional international legal regulation, in turn, is characterized
by fragmentation and diversity.