У статті окреслено інноваційні напрями розвитку внутрішнього туризму в Україні.
Зокрема, запропоновано запроваджувати такий вид подорожей, як «за кордоном вдома». Наведено
статистичні дані сплати податків до бюджету від туристичної діяльності. Визначено основні
тенденції поведінки сучасного туриста в умовах війни в Україні. Наголошено на необхідності
створення локацій під назвою «Меморіали пам’яті», що зможуть у післявоєнний період привабити
іноземних туристів, сприяючи розвитку в’їзного туризму в Україні. The article
outlines innovative directions for the development of domestic tourism in Ukraine. In particular, it is
proposed to introduce such a type of travel as abroad at home . A study of the abroad at home
experience should also be tailored to the nature of the country being studied. The travel experience
includes several aspects including travel, sightseeing, dining and shopping. Studies of the experience of
being abroad at home in Ukraine may focus on the shopping experience, as residents of these countries
may be interested in purchasing goods from international brands or visiting sights similar to those found
in other countries. The advantages and disadvantages of this type of travel are outlined. It has been proven
that there are tourist places in Ukraine that are very similar to famous places abroad. Examples of the
possible organization of tourist locations in Ukraine, similar to foreign ones, are given. Statistical data on
the payment of taxes to the budget from tourism activities are given.
The main trends in the behavior of modern tourists in the conditions of the war in Ukraine are
outlined. Among them: sanatorium, i.e., wellness rest and relaxation rest, as far as possible from air
alarms and explosions, prevail among bookings; one of the key requirements of tourists to the
accommodation facility is the uninterrupted availability of electricity, water, and communication;
Bookings of solo tours for one person or family trips have become more frequent. There is also a
tendency to plan tours so to speak for tomorrow , long-term planning of recreation almost does not take
place, because potential consumers of tourist services in the current conditions are not able to plan for a
long-term period.
The need to create locations called Memorials of Memory is emphasized will be able to
attract foreign tourists in the post-war period, contributing to the development of inbound tourism in
Ukraine. It was emphasized that the speed of recovery of the tourism industry in Ukraine will largely
depend on the speed of recovery of the tourist and transport infrastructure. It was noted that it is the study
of investment attraction for the recovery and development of the tourism industry in Ukraine that should
be directed further research by scientists.