Наголошується на проблемах мовної підготовки здобувачів третього (освітньо-наукового)
рівня вищої освіти спеціальності 081 «Право». Констатовано, що мовна компетентність тісно пов’язана
з громадянською й має безпосереднє відношення до фахівців у сфері права. Проаналізовано ключові
аспекти мовної компетентності докторів філософії з права. Наголошено на необхідності приведення її у
відповідність із глобальною шкалою Загальноєвропейських рекомендацій з мовної освіти, що
дорівнюватиме професійному рівню С1 або вільному володінню С2. The research focuses on the language training
problems of doctoral students for the third (educational and scientific) level of higher education in the
specialty 081 Law. The absence of an approved higher education standard for the preparation of doctors of
philosophy in law requires alignment of the program learning outcomes with the requirements of the
National Qualifications Framework of Ukraine.
It is stated that language competence is closely related to civic competence, which is directly
related to legal professionals. The expansion of the state language functions, the growth of its importance
in society with a view to creating a Ukrainian-speaking environment, leads to increased requirements for
improving the language training effectiveness for law scholars and PhD students.
The language competence key aspects of doctors of philosophy in law are analyzed. It is
determined that the approach of those higher education institutions which maintain a reasonable balance in
the formation of communicative language competence in the training of doctors of philosophy, and do not
focus exclusively on learning a foreign language, is correct. After all, the communicative competence of a
law practitioner and scholar is a vital skill, since it implies the ability to communicate constructively with
professional community members.
It is emphasized that when preparing future doctors of philosophy for professional activities in
the chosen field, it is promising to request that when developing a higher education national standard for
the doctors of philosophy in law training, the following issues should be addressed: formation of language
competence and the level of academic Ukrainian and foreign languages use in professional activities and
research; these skills should be as close as possible to the normatively approved C1 and C2 standards for
proficiency in the state language with the relevant assessment criteria.