Охарактеризовано деякі аспекти сучасного українського законодавства з проблематики
домашнього насильства. Зроблено аналітичний огляд законодавчих та інших нормативноправових актів щодо запобігання та протидії насильству в Україні. Наголошено на дотриманні
гендерної рівності. Запропоновано напрями підвищення суспільної моралі та механізми більш
жорсткої відповідальності посадових осіб, які можуть виявити деякі прояви насильства, зокрема,
булінг. У контексті європейської інтеграції запропоновано запровадити найкращі передові
практики допиту неповнолітніх, які підпали під дію різних видів насильства. Наголошено на
необхідності більш суворого покарання кривдників. ome aspects of modern Ukrainian
legislation on the issue of domestic violence are characterized. An analytical review of legislative and
normative legal acts on the prevention and counteraction of violence in Ukraine was made. Emphasis is
placed on the observance of gender equality. Directions for improving public morale and mechanisms for
stricter accountability of officials who may reveal some manifestations of violence, in particular,
bullying, are proposed. In the context of European integration, it is proposed to introduce the best
advanced practices of interrogation of minors subjected to various types of violence. The need for stricter
punishment of offenders was emphasized.
It was emphasized that during the years of Ukraine's independence, powerful steps have been
taken in the direction of overcoming the problem of domestic violence. Legislation undergoes appropriate
changes, taking into account the requirements of the time. We must state that, despite the powerful
legislative framework in the field of studying and preventing manifestations of domestic violence, this
shameful phenomenon still occurs at the household level, because most victims sometimes do not even
understand that they are under the influence of domestic violence, and secondly, they do not believe in the
fact that they will receive real help, and offenders will not be deterred by overly lenient measures of
punishment. The authors believe that it is necessary to further investigate how and at what level it is
possible to instill in the consciousness of society what is really good and what is evil in the context of all
types of violence. At the same time, it is advisable to focus special attention on gender equality.
It was emphasized that society needs to pay special attention, because an important aspect of the
work of relevant services and enterprises on the ground (in educational institutions, in institutions where
IDPs work) is to establish an atmosphere of benevolence towards IDPs.