Досліджено стан наукової розробки проблем оперативно-розшукової протидії злочинам проти громадської безпеки та визначено основні теоретичні прогалини, які зумовлюють доцільність поглибленого вивчення цієї проблематики.
The article analyzes the state of the scientific development of the problems of operational-search counteraction to crimes against public safety and identifies the main theoretical gaps that determine the expediency of in-depth study of this problem, in particular: the absence of a modern (interdisciplinary) integrated approach in the
investigation of operational-search counteraction to crimes against public safety; the lack of modern views and consistent interpretations of the essence of operational and investigative counteraction to crimes against public safety, the methods and criteria for their admissibility during such a clash; lack of unity of views among domestic scientists regarding the problems of operative-search counteraction to crimes against public safety; the lack of development and introduction of new, more advanced methods and means of counteracting these crimes in operative-search practice.
The solution of these problems is one of the most important directions in increasing the effectiveness of the operative and investigative counteraction to crimes against public safety by
the criminal police. At the same time, it should be emphasized that a comprehensive conceptual analysis of the problems of countering crimes against public safety is an actual task of science of
criminal law, criminalistics, criminology and operative and investigative activities, as well as present-day requirements for ensuring the national security of Ukraine and combating crime in
the state.