Досліджено положення кримінального процесуального, кримінального, цивільного, житлового, сімейного законодавства та інших джерел щодо регулювання правовідносин на ринку житлової нерухомості. У статті розглядаються окремі фактори та обставини, що впливають на виникнення злочинних проявів у сфері обігу житлової нерухомості. Проводиться порівняльний аналіз норм, які регулюють право власності на нерухомість громадян.
The article is devoted to the study of the provisions of criminal procedural, criminal, civil, housing, family law and other sources on the regulation of legal relations in the real estate market, including residential. The article deals with the circumstances influencing the occurrence of criminal manifestations in the area of residential real estate. It is noted that the transition to market relations contributed to the emergence of new factors that were not previously known to our country and may affect the protection of property rights. In particular, since the proclamation of private property rights to housing and other objects of the real estate, along with civil law relations, regulated by a number of legal acts, various illegal actions with objects of residential real estate began to be committed. At the same time, the imperfection of the legislation and the lack of adaptability of law enforcement agencies in the conditions of a gradual transition to a market model of legal relations, resulted in the speed of the spread of offenses, including those associated with fraudulent use and abuse of trust. It is emphasized that the official recognition and confirmation by the state of the facts of acquiring, changing or termination of real rights to real estate, encumbrances of such rights is carried out during the state registration of real rights to real estate and their encumbrances by entering the relevant information into the State Register of real rights to real estate. A establishing the right of ownership to the objects of real estate of citizens is carried out, the list of bodies and subjects exercising powers in the field of state registration of rights and other real estate transactions and some abuses of these persons The concept of "housing market" is
considered and criteria are defined that characterize its criminogenicity.