Охарактеризовано внутрішні фактори, що впливають на стан оперативної обстановки у сфері державних закупівель. Здійснено аналіз та оцінку впливу на стан оперативної обстановки у сфері державних закупівель таких факторів: компоненти, які характеризують структуру, штатну чисельність і укомплектованість особового складу підрозділів захисту економіки та слідства Національної поліції України; ефективність розстановки сил; стан технічного оснащення; ефективність виявлення та розкриття злочинів, їх профілактики. Доведено, що негативний вплив на стан оперативної обстановки, що склалася у вказаній сфері, спричиняють прорахунки в нормативно-правовому забезпеченні, структурі та організації діяльності органів та підрозділів Національної поліції.
The article describes the internal factors that can be poured into the camp of the operational situation in the sphere of sovereign procurement. Components have been installed, which can include the following internal factors: components, characterize the structure, staffing, and staffing of the special warehouse and the economy of the country; effectiveness of the balance of power; technical equipment mill; the effectiveness of the manifestation of the fact that there is a degree of malice, their prevention is characterized by the structure, staffing and staffing of the special warehouse and the economy of the National Police of Ukraine; effectiveness of the balance of power; technical equipment mill; the effectiveness of the manifestation of that malignancy, of prophylaxis. The analysis of the structure of units and bodies of pre-trial investigation of the National Police of Ukraine has shown that the staffing of units of the economic protection units can not ensure their activity in combating public procurement crimes at a proper level, which significantly reduces the level of
detection of such crimes and definitely has a negative impact on the state the situation in that area. It was
also found that these units do not actually have the ability to respond promptly to changes in the operational environment in the field of public procurement at objects that are territorially located at a distance from the district center in which the economic protection unit is located, and that the overload of investigators does not allow focusing a sufficient amount of their attention to the problems of public procurement crime investigations. It is noted that the level of providing these units with the above mentioned inventory remains low, which carries certain corruption risks and negatively affects the quality of operational services.
It is established that the negative impact on the level of detection of crimes in the field of public
procurement is caused by the low level of information exchange between the units of protection of the
economy of the National Police of Ukraine on detected crimes in the field of public procurement, namely
- the features of detection and documentation of such crimes. It is proved that the negative impact on the state of the operational situation in the specified area is caused by miscalculations in the legal support, structure and organization of the activities of bodies and units of the National Police.