Короткий опис(реферат):
На основі аналізу думок науковців визначено поняття типової слідчої ситуації та встановлено її значення у методиці розслідування окремих видів злочинів. Визначено типові слідчі ситуації початкового етапу розслідування незаконного обігу наркотичних засобів у разі їх виявлення під час перевезення залізничним транспортом та зазначено перелік слідчих (розшукових) дій по кожній з них.
Суть розробки, основні результати:
Complexes of investigative (search) actions at detection of the narcotic means transported by rail. In the article, based on the analysis of the opinions of scientists, the concept of a typical investigative situation is defined and its significance in the method of investigation of certain types of crimes is established. From the analysis of scientific opinions about typical investigative situations, it can be concluded that their main purpose is to assist law enforcement agencies in organizing the investigation process at an appropriate stage. Illumination of these situations for a certain crime allows investigations on a qualitatively new level. Forecasting of a certain situation and its analysis help to determine the directions of taking appropriate organizational measures in order to influence it. Typical investigative situations need to be considered in terms of facilitating the establishment of a criminal and the organization of the process. The best and most favorable set of conditions that has developed at a certain point should be considered the one where the offender was detained at the crime scene. In such a situation, there is usually no need for actions aimed at its establishment and prosecution. As a result, there is a sufficient amount of material and ideal traces. Conducting investigative (search) actions with the relevant participants ensures obtaining the maximum set of evidence. Often, the offender's position is not characterized by opposition to the investigation process. Accordingly, as unfavorable or complicated investigative situations, one should perceive those who do not detain a perpetrator, but there are certain information about him that allows him to arrange his search, as well as when the offender is not detained and no data is available about him. In these situations with varying degrees of complexity it is expedient to conduct both vowel and covert investigatory (wanted) actions. The less information is collected about the identity of the offender at the initial stage of the investigation, the more difficult it is to solve his tasks. Drawing on scientific developments of scientists and the practice of investigating crimes, typical investigative situations emerging at the initial stage of the investigation of crimes related to the illegal transport of drugs by rail: a) the offender is known, detained during the transportation of drugs or immediately upon arrival of the train; b) the offender is unknown, from the place of commission of the crime disappeared, leaving the drugs, there is testimony of witnesses on which it is possible to establish the
appearance of the offender; c) the offender is unknown and there is no information about him, the drugs are found in the train; d) there are materials of the operational units on the transportation of a certain person of narcotic drugs in this train, there is evidence of witnesses of the presence of the person in the train during the movement, but the offender was not detained and drugs were not found. In each of the situations described, complexes of investigative (search) actions have been developed for their solution.