В статті розглядаються проблемні питання забезпечення економічного зростання в країнах з ринковою системою, що розвивається: структурна незбалансованість; керована, неринкова фінансово монетарна політика; втрачання можливостей розвитку реального сектору економіки; управлінська неспроможність державно владних інституцій
The article deals with the problems of ensurinj economic jrowth in emerjinj market economies: structural imbalances; managed, non-market financial and monetary policy; loss of opportunities for the development of the real sector of the economy; administrative jaillire of state-owned institutions.
Despite the significant amount and the high level of theoretical synthesis of these problems in existing scientific publications, their research remains relevant and requires additional scientific developments.
The authors consider the obstacles on the way of economic growth of countries, proposing their classification depending on their influence, origin and junctional content. Among the impeding risks are precisely those such as weak state institutions, historically formed weak social structure, diametrically opposed interests of influential social groups, non-professionalism and miscalculations, etc.
The research is devoted to the development of conceptual foundations, principles and approaches to modeling the systems of economic growth in countries with market transformation. On the basis of the analysis of a representative mass of information, the relationship between the components that threatens economic growth, sustainable development of the countries is revealed; their repeatability or typology, which creates special conditions for the development of mechanisms for preventing obstacles, threats, risks and methods of managing them.
The authors, using the methods of dialectics, scientific abstraction and the systematic approach, find out links and chain of links that characterize sectoral imbalances and macroeconomic imbalances and lead to them.
The results of the study allowed the authors to argue that the growing systemic crisis in the socio-political field of the state multiplicatively extended to the system of providing economic growth, which loses its functional capabilities and requires new and consistent strategic development priorities and its institutional and legal support, as well as mechanisms, instruments and means of transforming the market system.