Висвітлено деякі аспекти розслідування групового порушення громадського порядку. Розглянуто організаційно-тактичні заходи щодо проведення допиту підозрюваного для більш швидкого та ефективного їх розслідування. Зазначено, що групове порушення громадського порядку характеризується великою кількістю його учасників. Тому допит є досить характерною слідчою (розшуковою) дією під час його розслідування. Крім того, ефективне проведення допиту надає змогу надалі кваліфікувати діяння відповідно до Кримінального кодексу України. Оскільки поряд із зазначеним складом кримінального правопорушення постійно відбувається вчинення масових заворушень та групового хуліганства.
The article deals with covering some aspects of the investigation of a group violation of public order. Organizational and tactical measures for interrogation of the suspect are considered for faster and more effective investigation. The author has noted that the group violation of public order is characterized by a large number of its participants. Therefore, the interrogation is a very typical investigative (search) action in its
investigation. In addition, the effective conduct of interrogation makes it possible to further qualify the act in accordance with the Criminal Code of Ukraine. Because along with the specified structure of a criminal offense mass riots and group hooliganism are constantly committed. The author supports the position that the interrogation is a regulated by criminal procedure information and psychological process of communication of persons involved in it, aimed at obtaining information about the facts known to the interrogated that are important for establishing the truth in criminal proceedings. It has been determined that interrogation is the most common way to obtain evidence in the investigation of a group violation of public order. Of course, a necessary precondition for interrogation is preparation for it. It covers a number of specific activities: study of the materials of the proceedings; acquaintance with the data on the identity of the interrogated; if necessary - drawing up an interrogation plan. The greatest difficulty in investigating cases of this category is the organization of interrogations in the context of the need to gather information about the event, which was witnessed by a large number of people, many of whom could be participants.
Based on the analysis of the survey of police investigators, the author has identified the main tactics of interrogation in the investigation of group violations of public order, in particular: establishing psychological contact with the interrogated (100%); teaching testimony in the form of a free story (88%); asking questions (92%); application of scientific and technical means (65%); presentation of evidence (49%); creating an idea of the investigator's awareness (47%).