Здійснено системний аналіз понятійного апарату визначення психічних розладів у чинному національному законодавстві (кримінально-правовому та у сфері охорони здоров’я), за результатами якого констатовано відсутність єдиного підходу до визначення цього терміну. Розглянуті процесуальні та тактичні особливості допиту осіб із психічними розладами, а також з’ясовано випадки визнання показань цієї категорії осіб допустимим доказом у кримінальному провадженні.
The paper contains the results of the system analysis of conceptual framework for defining mental disorders in domestic legislation (in criminal law and health care) and the findings show that there is no unified approach to defining this term. The paper studies the matters of special procedural and tactical aspects of the interrogation of persons with mental disorders, as well as instances of testimony recognition of this category of persons as
admissible evidence in criminal proceedings. The author has concluded that the participation of persons with mental disorders in criminal proceedings has its own features, which are: first, in the absence of a uniform approach to the definition of "mental disorder"; secondly, in the absence of legislative regulation of the procedure for conducting investigative actions with the participation of persons with mental disorders; thirdly, in difficulties in assessing the testimony of this category of persons and recognizing them as admissible evidence in criminal proceedings In order to resolve the existing legislative gaps and consolidate additional procedural guarantees for the participation of persons with mental disorders in criminal proceedings, it is considered necessary to make a number of changes to the provisions of the CPC of Ukraine, in particular in particular to enshrine in the Criminal Procedural Code of Ukraine the definition of the term “mental disorder”, to recognize the testimony of persons with mental disorders as admissible evidence only taking into account forensic psychiatric or complex psychological and psychiatric examination and in combination with other evidence in criminal proceedings; add to the list of persons who cannot be questioned as witnesses.