The criminological problem of crime detection has a deliberative character and does
not find an explicit solution by scientific collaboration. There is no doubt that the determination of crime is a kind of social ...
Some components of the criminological characteristics of women's crime and its place
in the structure of general crime have been studied. It was found that over the last five years, despite the
fact that the total number ...
he article analyzes the properties of a woman - a victim of gender-based violence. The
author notes that the origins of gender-based violence stem from the historical inequality of women and men. The most common type of ...
he article deals with the current state of crimes against sexual freedom and sexual
integrity of a person in Ukraine. The perception of factors related to crimes against sexual freedom and sexual integrity of a person and ...
The article describes and analyzes the current anti-corruption policy of Ukraine. The
main methods and means of combating corruption at the present stage of formation of Ukrainian statehood are identified.
The main markers ...
The scientific article is devoted to the study of the forensic characteristics of the person
of the offender and the person of the victim of domestic violence. The criminological features of the
structure of the offender's ...
The article states that in various countries, the consequences of crime in the family sphere can
be mental, physical, economic and sexual injuries, which can become a threat to the life and health of not
only spouses, ...
The full-scale invasion of the troops of the aggressor country on the territory of Ukraine does not
stop the commission of crimes that were widespread in our country in peacetime. Yes, one of these
offenses is domestic ...