he article, based on the analysis of current legislation, available scientific, journalistic
and methodological sources, including foreign experience, defines the concept, clarifies the essence and
importance of ...
. The article is devoted to the disclosure of the problem of administrative and legal status
of a general practitioner - a family doctor. Emphasis is placed on the importance of clearly defining the legal personality of ...
The article highlights the problems of defining the concept of "guilt" in a tax offense,
which was introduced relatively recently, and therefore there is no established practice of law
enforcement in this area. The author ...
The article provides a comparative description of the essence, grounds for granting and
terminating the status of a refugee and a person receiving temporary protection, as well as the extent of
their legal personality. ...
The article highlights the issue of the concept and essence of martial law as an emergency legal
regime, the understanding of the concept of legal regime, as well as characteristic features, features of the
introduction ...
The article deals with study of disciplinary proceedings in the units of the National Police as an
important element of the administrative and legal activities of the police. In the context of the article, it is
determined ...