Досліджено практику конституційного регулювання обов’язків людини і громадянина в
державах континентальної Європи. Визначено обсяг конституційного закріплення обов’язків
людини і громадянина в європейських державах. Зазначено, що держава формулює свої вимоги до
людини в системі обов’язків, встановлюючи міру юридичної відповідальності за їх невиконання. І
тому Конституція України поряд із цілим комплексом прав і свобод передбачає ряд важливих
обов’язків, які є складовим елементом конституційно-правового статусу людини і громадянина.
Зроблено висновок, що положення норм Конституції України, в яких закріплено основні
обов’язки людини і громадянина, в основному змістовно кореспондуються і корелюються з
міжнародно-правовими актами. Але, незважаючи на це, зазначені норми потребують
вдосконалення та з урахуванням зарубіжного досвіду приведення їх до кращих зразків
європейського конституціоналізму.
The article examines the practice of
constitutional regulation of human and civil responsibilities in continental Europe. The scope of
constitutional consolidation of human and civil responsibilities in European countries has been
It has been noted that the state formulates its requirements to the person in the system of
responsibilities, establishing measures of legal responsibility for non-compliance. That is why the Constitution of Ukraine, along with a whole set of rights and freedoms, provides for a number of
important responsibilities that are an integral part of the constitutional and legal status of man and citizen.
It has been found that most scholars consider not only rights in conjunction with responsibilities,
but also responsibilities in close connection with rights. Although rights and responsibilities are relatively
independent categories, it is nevertheless impossible to fully disclose their essence separately from each
other, as they are dialectically interrelated concepts that reflect the relationship between people and
people and the state.
It is stated that in the context of the liberal (Western) concept of human rights, most democracies
in their constitutions have limited themselves to establishing a minimum of constitutional obligations,
which is primarily due to the fact that the main purpose of the constitution is to ensure human rights and
freedoms. This approach was taken by the legislators of the post-Soviet and post-socialist states. Thus, the
Constitution of Ukraine of 1996 reduced the list of constitutional duties of a person and a citizen and is 14
basic duties of a person and a citizen.
It has been emphasized that according to this indicator Ukraine is ahead of all European states,
whose legal system belongs to the Romano-Germanic legal system.
It has been noted that the constitutions of European countries have the following basic general
responsibilities: the obligation to receive primary and, in some countries, secondary education; the duty to
protect the state; duty to perform military service; the duty of parents to maintain their children until they
reach the age of majority; the obligation not to harm nature, as well as the obligation to pay taxes and
fees; the duty of everyone to strictly abide by the constitution and laws of the state.
It has been noteworthy that in the texts of some constitutions of European states there are
responsibilities that are not present in other constitutions.
It has been substantiated that the state promotes the establishment of the most important links
between public authorities and society, the search for and legitimization of effective ways to achieve
personal and public interests. At the same time, constitutional obligations must be ensured by appropriate
convictions, upbringing and coercion to the extent required by international human rights instruments and
in accordance with the country’s conditions.
It has been concluded that the provisions of the Constitution of Ukraine, which enshrine the basic
responsibilities of man and citizen, mainly correspond in substance and correlate with international legal
acts. Nevertheless, these norms need to be improved and, taking into account foreign experience, brought
them to the best examples of European constitutionalism.