У статті розглянуто використання прогнозування під час оперативно-розшукової протидії
кримінальним правопорушенням у сфері публічних закупівель. Надано пропозиції щодо стадій
здійснення прогнозування в діяльності підрозділів стратегічних розслідувань Національної поліції
України. Визначено перспективні джерела інформації щодо процесів, які відбуваються у сфері
публічних закупівель, зокрема: Інтернет; засоби масової інформації; довідки експертів; результати
наукових досліджень; аналіз законодавства. Запропоновано показники, які оперативному
працівнику підрозділу стратегічних розслідувань доцільно аналізувати для прогнозування
кримінальних правопорушень у сфері публічних закупівель.
The article considers the use of forecasting during operational and investigative
counteraction to criminal offenses in the field of public procurement. It is determined that the quality of
counteraction to criminal offenses, and especially those committed by organized criminal groups, largely
depends on the anticipation of the results of such activities and events in the criminal environment.
It is established that most scientists and practitioners have no doubt that forecasting increases the
effectiveness of operational and investigative activities, positively reflecting on each of its organizational
forms. However, the work of these researchers does not consider the position that forecasting should
become an integral and mandatory tool for making predictions in the operational and investigative
response to criminal offenses in the field of public procurement.
Proposals on the stages of forecasting in the activities of strategic investigation units of the
National Police of Ukraine are provided. Promising sources of information on the processes taking place
in the field of public procurement have been identified, in particular: Internet; media; expert certificates;
research results; analysis of legislation. The indicators that the operative of the strategic investigation unit
should analyze to predict criminal offenses in the field of public procurement are proposed.
It has established that the generalized information on criminal offenses in the field of public
procurement will allow to identify new trends in the development of such criminal offenses and as a result
will allow to formulate an algorithm for detecting such criminal offenses and tactics for documenting
criminal acts. It is proposed to involve employees of the Department of Strategic Investigations of the
National Police, as well as employees of those departments of strategic investigations of the National
Police from which information about new ways of committing criminal offenses in the field of public