Philosophy, Economics and Law Review. - 2023. - Volume 3, no. 2. : [22] Collection home page

Philosophy, Economics and Law Review. - 2023. - Volume 3, no. 2. - 212 p.

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 22
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Макет_PhELR_3_2_hard.pdf.jpg2023PHILOSOPHY, ECONOMICS AND LAW REVIEW. - 2023. - VOLUME 3, NO. 2ДДУВС
1.pdf.jpg2023The problem of the origin of the soul. To the question of ratio, of sensual and rational: scientific argumentsTararoyev, Yakiv; Fidrovska, Mariya; Тарароєв, Яків; Фідровська, Марія
2.pdf.jpg2023Philosophical foundations of a new approach to the community policing’ activitySkyba, Eleonora; Tkachenko, Kateryna; Скиба, Елеонора; Ткаченко, Катерина
3.pdf.jpg2023Common sense as identity health: toward a reflection on the russian-Ukrainian warMudrakov, Vitalii; Hapchenko, Olena; Kozachenko, Svitlana; Мудраков, Віталій; Гапченко, Олена; Козаченко, Світлана
4.pdf.jpg2023Rashistic ideology in the context of the russian-Ukrainian warAfanasieva, Lyudmila; Hlebova, Natalia; Glyns’ka, Lyudmila; Albardeiro, Celeste; Афанасьєва, Людмила; Глебова, Наталя; Глинська, Людмила; Альбардейро, Селесте
5.pdf.jpg2023International recognition in the European Scientific Circles as the main task for Ivan MirchukKokosh, Artem; Кокош, Артем
6.pdf.jpg2023Ethical and practical aspects of using the artificial intelligence in the educational processGalushko, Olena; Batmanghlich, Cameron; Галушко, Олена; Батмангліч, Камерон
7.pdf.jpg2023Marketing development as the basis for improving passenger transportation services at railway stationsMelnyk, Tetiana; Khrystofor, Oleh; Мельник, Тетяна; Христофор, Олег
8.pdf.jpg2023System providing of information security at the object of critical infrastructureParshyna, Olena; Metelenko, Natalya; Kovalenko, Viktor; Parshyna, Marharyta; Паршина, Олена; Метеленко, Наталя; Коваленко, Віктор; Паршина, Маргарита
9.pdf.jpg2023Management of an integrated model of innovation in maritime tradeKoval, Viktor; Honcharova, Iryna; Lysenko, Nataliia; Коваль, Віктор; Гончарова, Ірина; Лисенко, Наталія
10.pdf.jpg2023The impact of tariff formation on the sustainable development of the gas sector of UkraineMetoshop, Iryna; Metoshop, Oleksandra-Anna; Метошоп, Ірина; Метошоп, Олександра-Анна
11.pdf.jpg2023Effectiveness of open education in the lifelong learning systemOnopriienko, Kateryna; Vasylieva, Tetyana; Bourekkadi, Salmane; Rehak, Robert; Artyukhova, Nadiia; Онопрієнко, Катерина; Васильєва, Тетяна; Буреккаді, Салман; Рехак, Роберт; Артюхова, Надія
12.pdf.jpg2023Improvement of the internal system of quality assurance of the educational process of high schoolsChaika, Inna; Kononenko, Olena; Чайка, Інна; Кононенко, Олена
13.pdf.jpg2023Recommendations on compulsory online learning for educational institutions during wartime on the basis of the best international practicesShcherbachenko, Viktoriia; Sliusarenko, Anna Diana; Artyukhov, Artem; Щербаченко, Вікторія; Слюсаренко, Анна Діана; Артюхов, Артем
14.pdf.jpg2023International norms and their role in the gender vector of Ukraine in the post-war period: analysis of social, economic and political aspectsRezvorovych, Krystyna; Резворович, Кристина
15.pdf.jpg2023The influence of social standards and social guarantees on improving the quality of life of citizens: legal analysis and socio-economic consequencesNalyvaiko, Ihor; McGee, Robert W.; Наливайко, Ігор; МакГі, Роберт В.
16.pdf.jpg2023Modern aspects of the use of artificial intelligence by the Armed Forces of Ukraine under martial lawMoroz, Vita; Begaliyev, Yernar; Мороз, Віта; Бегалієв, Єрнар
17.pdf.jpg2023Regime of foreign occupation and its impact on human rights: from Polish and Ukrainian political-legal retrospective and nowadaysSamotuha, Andriy; Lizut, Rafał; Kryzhanovskyi, Oleksii; Самотуга, Андрій; Лізут, Рафал; Крижановський, Олексій
18.pdf.jpg2023Theoretical and legal principles of the convergence of equality and justice in the field of personalized medicine in the context of the state’s social policyRossylna, Olha; Россильна, Ольга
19.pdf.jpg2023Problem aspects of institutionalization and implementation of the right to be forgottenValieiev, Ruslan; Daniel, Ricardo; Валєєв, Руслан; Фурфаро, Рікардо Даніель
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 22