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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 543
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
28.pdf.jpg2021Security as a condition for organizing and conducting investigative (search) actions during an epidemic (pandemic)Demchenko, Iryna; Демченко, Ірина
32.pdf.jpg2021Problematic issues of combating criminal offenses against public order and public safetyChaplynskiy, Kostyantyn; Чаплинський, Костянтин
33.pdf.jpg2021Scientific approaches to evaluation of social efficiency of forensic examinationPetrova, Iryna; Chekin, Denys; Sylenok, Kateryna; Петрова, Ірина; Чекін, Денис; Силенок, Катерина
34.pdf.jpg2021Forensic support for pre-trial investigation in the forensic systemPletenets, Viktor; Плетенець, Віктор
36.pdf.jpg2021Study of manuscripts made with the change of habitual writing handBidniak, Hanna; Sokolenko, Liubov; Бідняк, Ганна; Соколенко, Любов
39.pdf.jpg2021International experience of using special knowledge in police activityPakulova, Tetiana; Bidniak, Hanna; Пакулова, Тетяна; Бідняк, Ганна
42.pdf.jpg2021The role of judicial examination in the investigation of the facts of tortureNykyforova, Olena; Никифорова, Олена
43.pdf.jpg2021Problems of interrogation of a juvenile and juvenile who suffered from criminal offensesPavlova, Natalia; Antropov, Bogdan; Павлова, Наталя; Антропов, Богдан
44.pdf.jpg2021Forensic analysis of the situation and trace picture in the investigation of involvement of minors in illegal activitiesPrylovskyi, Volodymyr; Приловський, Володимир
45.pdf.jpg2021Features of real estate fraud investigationCherednyk, Kateryna; Чередник, Катерина
47.pdf.jpg2021Establishment of qualification features of short-blade cold weapons and constructively similar productsMoskalenko, Roman; Москаленко, Роман
25.pdf.jpg2023The tactical and psychological influence of the investigator (detective) on persons participating in criminal proceedingsKopanchuk, Volodymyr; Kravchuk, Oleg; Novak, Oleksandr; Turovets, Yurii; Копанчук, Володимир; Кравчук, Олег; Новак, Олександр; Туровець, Юрій
26.pdf.jpg2023Features of the use of special knowledge in the investigation of illegal occupation by fish, animal or other water miningPletenets, Viktor; Плетенець, Віктор
27.pdf.jpg2023Problems of formation and use of forensic records for operational and investigative purposesPyrih, Ihor; Prokopov, Serhiy; Пиріг, Ігор; Прокопов, Сергій
29.pdf.jpg2023The situation of committing fraud under extraordinary legal regimesPavlova, Natalia; Павлова, Наталя
30.pdf.jpg2023Features of preparation for conducting investigative (search) actions in the conditions of epidemic, pandemicSukhomlyn, Yuliya; Сухомлин, Юлія
31.pdf.jpg2023The concept of forensic characteristics and its significance for the methodology of investigation of criminal offenses against property.Volikov, Taras; Воліков, Тарас
32.pdf.jpg2023The use of special knowledge in the investigation of cybercrimesRozumny, Serhii; Розумний, Сергій
34.pdf.jpg2023Features of examination of a corpse during the investigation of malicious failure to fulfill duties of care for a child or a person under guardianship or care establishedKryvopusk, Oleksandr; Oleynik (Khlyntseva), Olga; Кривопуск, Олександр; Олійник (Хлинцева), Ольга
35.pdf.jpg2023Features of preparation for the inspection of the land of state or communal property on the fact of illegal acquisition of the right to itDishlyova, Alina; Дишльова, Аліна
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 543