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Title: Історія становлення та розвитку конституційних обов’язків людини і громадянина в Україні
Other Titles: History of the establishment and development of the constitutional duties of a man and a citizen in Ukraine
Authors: Кириченко, Віктор
Соколенко, Юлія
Kyrychenko, Viktor
Sokolenko, Yuliia
Citation: Кириченко В. Історія становлення та розвитку конституційних обов’язків людини і громадянина в Україні / В. Кириченко, Ю. Соколенко // Науковий вісник Дніпропетровського державного університету внутрішніх справ. - 2023. - № 3 (124). – С. 92-98
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: ДДУВС
Keywords: Конституція
конституційні обов’язки
обов’язки людини і громадянина
constitutional duties
duties of a person and a citizen
Abstract: У статті проаналізовано в історичному аспекті генезис правового регулювання обов’язків людини і громадянина на різних етапах розвитку української державності, яка має багатовікову історію. Доведено, що в період боротьби за конституційне визнання національної ідентичності українців та їх право на самовизначення і створення власної Української козацької держави вже в XVII ст. виникла низка правових актів державно-конституційного характеру, в яких була здійснена спроба визначити права і обов’язки гетьмана і старшини та узагальнити суспільно-політичний устрій козаччини. The article analyzes the genesis of the legal regulation of the duties of a person and a citizen at various stages of the development of Ukrainian statehood, which has a centuries-old history, from a historical perspective. It has been proven that during the struggle for the constitutional recognition of the national identity of Ukrainians and their right to selfdetermination and the creation of their own Ukrainian Cossack state, already in the 17th century. a number of legal acts of a state-constitutional nature appeared, in which an attempt was made to define the rights and duties of the hetman and the foreman and to generalize the socio-political system of the Cossacks. It is noted that the "Pacts and Constitution of Laws and Freedoms of the Zaporizhzhya Army" (1710), which was called the "Pylip Orlyk Constitution" in the domestic historical and legal literature, and in which an attempt was made to bring to constitutional the level of regulation of duties and commoners. Unfortunately, this document from known historical events never acquired the status of a valid legal act, but it initiated the formation of the Ukrainian tradition of constitutionalism. At the same time, the significant lag behind Ukrainian constitutional theory and practice in the field of human and citizen rights, freedoms, and responsibilities was emphasized. The results of the historical and legal analysis of the constitutional and legal acts of 1917-1922 indicate that they provided for various options for the organization of state power in Ukraine, which primarily include the Third and Fourth Universals of the Ukrainian Central Rada dated November 7 (20) 1917 and dated January 9 (22), 1918, the Constitution of the Ukrainian People's Republic dated April 29, 1918, and others. But in these acts, the duties of citizens were fixed in a limited number and thus they were significantly inferior to the advanced models of European constitutionalism. It is noted that during the days of Soviet statehood, four constitutions were adopted in Ukraine (1919, 1929, 1937, 1978), which were based on the Marxist-Leninist doctrine and legally enshrined the idea of the priority of the state over the individual prevailing in jurisprudence, because at that time it was believed that it is the state that determines the scope of rights, freedoms and responsibilities of a person and a citizen. Based on the analysis of the provisions of the Constitution of the USSR of 1919, it was established that it established the political regime of the dictatorship of the proletariat and the peculiarity of the legal status of citizens, which consisted in the class nature of the assignment of duties. So, it is a positive thing that the duties of citizens found their consolidation in the Ukrainian constitutions and were constitutionally formalized into a coherent system. At the same time, after the collapse of the former USSR and the adoption of the Constitution of Ukraine (1996), the domestic legislator did not take into account the experience of constitutionally enshrining the duties of a person and a citizen in foreign countries.
Appears in Collections:Науковий вісник Дніпропетровського державного університету внутрішніх справ. – 2023. – № 3 (124)
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