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PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
7.pdf.jpg2020Public gender-legal expertise as a form of public control: theoretical and legal aspectSirko, L.; Сірко, Л.
12.pdf.jpg2020Combatting administrative offences committed by foreigners as a component of administrative activity of state migration service of UkraineRyzhkova, S.; Рижкова, С.
14.pdf.jpg2020Features of the implementation of a public offer agreement in e-commerce in ukrainian, polish and russian lawKosychenko, O.; Klinytskyi, I.; Косиченко, О.; Клиницький, І.
21.pdf.jpg2020Substitution maintenance therapy - effective prevention or way of committing a crimeBidniak, H.; Бідняк, Г.
24.pdf.jpg2020Modern state and signs of illegal activity in the field of transplantationMysliva, O.; Мислива, О.
28.pdf.jpg2020On the question of typical investigative situations in the investigation of involvement of minors in illegal activitiesPrilovskyi, V.; Приловський, В.
36.pdf.jpg2020Some features of the financial mechanism of budget institutions of UkraineKosiachenko, K.; Косяченко, К.
39.pdf.jpg2020Structural-logical model of the strategy of operational-search combatting criminal offenses (economic crimes) in agrarian complex of UkraineYefimov, V.; Єфімов, В.
11.pdf.jpg2020Conflicts arising during verbal communication between law enforcement officers and the publicKaznacheyev, D.; Tymofeyev, V.; Казначеєв, Д.; Тимофєєв, В.
4.pdf.jpg2020Could new referendum legislation undermine constitutional order foundations?Samotuha, A.; Самотуга, А.