Матеріали зібрання (Сортування за Дати збереження у за спаданням порядку): 1 до 20 з 44
Попередній перегляд | Дата випуску | Назва | Автор(и) |
| 2020 | Improvement of strong training in the process of special physical training | Boguslavsky, V.; Petrushin, D.; Rohalsky, V.; Sheverun, V.; Богуславський, В.; Петрушин, Д.; Рогальський, В.; Шеверун, В. |
| 2020 | Use of technology in sports - a boon or bane? | Singh, R.M.; Skrypchenko, I.; Сингх, Р. М.; Скрипченко, І. |
| 2020 | Socio-psychological structure problems of crime victim personality | Shinkarenko, I.; Davydova, N.; Шинкаренко, І.; Давидова, Н. |
| 2020 | Improvement of fire and psychological training of police | Pokaichuk, V.; Holobok, E.; Saroyan, R.; Покайчук, В.; Голобок, Е.; Сароян, Р. |
| 2020 | Structural-logical model of the strategy of operational-search combatting criminal offenses (economic crimes) in agrarian complex of Ukraine | Yefimov, V.; Єфімов, В. |
| 2020 | Cluster concept as a direction of effective use of investment potential | Yadlovska, O.; Ядловська, О. |
| 2020 | Economic component of crime and ways to prevent illegal actions | Paleshko, Ya.; Kubetska, O.; Neklesa, O.; Палешко, Я.; Кубецька, О.; Неклеса, О. |
| 2020 | Some features of the financial mechanism of budget institutions of Ukraine | Kosiachenko, K.; Косяченко, К. |
| 2020 | Advisory and consulting services as a mechanism for protecting the rights of taxpayers | Foksha, L.; Ivanova, M.; Фокша, Л.; Іванова, М. |
| 2020 | Features of obtaining information from victims, witnesses and suspects in the investigation of crimes committed in tourist industry | Vengerova, Yu.; Венгерова, Ю. |
| 2020 | Preparatory stage of the interrogation in the investigation of group violation of public order | Usatkin, D.; Усаткін, Д. |
| 2020 | Simplified court proceedings for misdemeanors under agreement | Taus, M.; Таус, М. |
| 2020 | Algorithms of actions of law enforcement officers in the investigation of mass riots | Lisnyak, A.; Лісняк, А. |
| 2020 | Tactics of some verbal investigator (search) actions in the investigation of fraud in the field of employment | Gukova, I.; Гукова, І. |
| 2020 | Problematic issues relating to the age of the victim of the corruption of minors | Fursa, V.; Фурса, В. |
| 2020 | On the question of typical investigative situations in the investigation of involvement of minors in illegal activities | Prilovskyi, V.; Приловський, В. |
| 2020 | Cognitive activity of a forensic expert: psychological aspect | Soldatenko, O.; Yunatskyi, O.; Солдатенко, О.; Юнацький, О. |
| 2020 | Interaction of the investigator with knowledgeable persons during expert research | Shapovalov, D.; Шаповалов, Д. |
| 2020 | Operational investigative support of searches | Obshalov, S.; Обшалов, С. |
Матеріали зібрання (Сортування за Дати збереження у за спаданням порядку): 1 до 20 з 44