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Знайдені матеріали:
Попередній переглядДата випускуНазваАвтор(и)
16.pdf.jpg2021Formalization of human rights to dignified living conditions in international and national legal actsOnyshchuk, I.; Онищук, І.
21.pdf.jpg2021The modern methods of first aid (premedical care) teaching in the police institutionsMysliva, O.; Nykyforova, O.; Kuntsevych, I.; Мислива, О.; Никифорова, О.; Кунцевич, Ю.
15.pdf.jpg2022Theoretical and methodological fundamentals in formation of economic security in the field of public procurementDarahan, V.; Shynkevych, A.; Дараган, В.; Шинкевич, А.
4.pdf.jpg2022Deep assumptionCobb, John B. jr.; Кобб, Джон Б.
14.pdf.jpg2022Electronic criminal proceedings: international experience of using information systems for algorithmization of criminal justicAntoniuk, O.; Антонюк, О.
1.pdf.jpg2021Anti-correlationism cluster and performative narrativeKretov, P.; Kretova, O.; Кретов, П.; Кретова, О.
18.pdf.jpg2021Religious and cultural violence; the 21st-century genocide against the yazidisHadžić, F.; Хаджич, Ф.
10.pdf.jpg2021Penitentiary crime as a social phenomenon inherent in places of non-freedom in UkraineBogatyrev, I.; Богатирьов, І.
7.pdf.jpg2021Development of p2p lending in term of crisisBatmanghlich, C.; Bobyl, V.; Martseniuk, L.; Батмангліч, К.; Бобиль, В.; Марценюк, Л.
9.pdf.jpg2021Features of public administration in the field of road infrastructure in Ukraine and taking into account the EU standards for its improvementMyroniuk, R.; Myroniuk, S.; Kuntsevych, I.; Миронюк, Р.; Миронюк, С.; Кунцевич, Ю.