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Назва: Міжнародний досвід реалізації ювенальної політики
Інші назви: International experience of juvenile policy implementation
Автори: Бахчев, К.
Собакарь, А.
Опацький, Р.
Bakhchev, K.
Sobakar, A.
Opatskyi, R.
Бібліографічний опис: Бахчев К. Міжнародний досвід реалізації ювенальної політики / К. Бахчев, А. Собакарь, Р. Опацький // Концептуальні положення механізму захисту прав дітей: український та зарубіжний контекст : кол. монограф. / кол. авт. ; ред. Л. Р. Наливайко. - Дніпро : ДДУВС, 2021. - С. 75-103
Дата публікації: 2021
Видавництво: ДДУВС
Ключові слова: child
juvenile justice
juvenile law
juvenile policy
juvenile legal relations
juvenile status
juvenile responsibility
ombudsman for children’s rights
Короткий огляд (реферат): The main goals and priority directions of juvenile policy have been systematized; the range of sources of branch policy has been outlined, the problems connected with their formation, systematization and application have been covered; the necessity of recognizing juvenile policy as an integral component of national security, as well as one of the most important directions of state policy has been proved. The concepts, tasks and principles of public administration in the field of formation and implementation of juvenile policy in Ukraine have been considered. Foreign and international experience in this field has been studied and the possibilities of its implementation in national legislation have been considered. Based on the achievements of domestic jurisprudence, foreign experience, analysis of current legislation of Ukraine, rule-making and law enforcement practice, a conceptual approach to solving current problems of formation and implementation of juvenile policy in Ukraine has been formulated. The system of strategic tasks and priorities in the field of formation and implementation of juvenile policy has been determined; the range of sources of branch policy has been outlined, the problems connected with their formation, systematization and application have been revealed. The author have proved the need to recognize juvenile justice as an integral part of national security, as well as one of the most important areas of national policy. The article examines the structural and functional characteristics, systemic relationships, patterns and problems of functioning of the range of public administration entities involved in the mechanism of juvenile policy. The need for a large-scale reform covering all aspects of sectoral administration, optimizing all its links and subsystems, and ultimately ensuring the construction of a modern, highly organized and most effective system of formation and implementation of juvenile policy in Ukraine. A set of proposals aimed at improving the efficiency of forecasting, targeted programming and strategic management in the field of formation and implementation of juvenile policy in Ukraine has been developed. The principles, functions, forms and methods of public administration in the field of juvenile policy have been analyzed. Their value dimension, connection with morality, religion, politics, correlation with international and European regional standards in the field of protection of children’s rights have bee revealed. The author s have revealed that at this stage of formation of juvenile law as its main functions are informational, value-oriented and educational functions. The specificity of juvenile law is that it has a prominent place, restorative, compensatory and subsidiary functions. A conceptual idea of the essence and limits of administrative and legal protection of childhood has been developed. There are proposals aimed at improving the efficiency of the domestic system of ensuring the implementation of juvenile policy as a cornerstone of the protection of children’s rights.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): https://er.dduvs.edu.ua/handle/123456789/7307
Розташовується у зібраннях:Бахчев К.В.
Монографії ап
Опацький Роман Миколайович
Собакарь Андрій Олексійович

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