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Назва: Організаційно-тактичні особливості отримання від неповнолітнього постраждалого інформації про вчинене щодо нього насильство
Інші назви: Organizational and tactical peculiarities of obtaining information from an underage victim on a violent action against him/her
Автори: Плетенець, В.
Pletenets, V.
Бібліографічний опис: Плетенець В. Організаційно-тактичні особливості отримання від неповнолітнього постраждалого інформації про вчинене щодо нього насильство / В. Плетенець // Концептуальні положення механізму захисту прав дітей: український та зарубіжний контекст : кол. монограф. / кол. авт. ; ред. Л. Р. Наливайко. - Дніпро : ДДУВС, 2021. - С. 104-114
Дата публікації: 2021
Видавництво: ДДУВС
Ключові слова: sexual violence
social services
Короткий огляд (реферат): The paper emphasizes that the latent nature of manifestations of violence against minors, including sexual violence, makes it impossible for law enforcement officers to provide a legal assessment the actions of the persons concerned. In this regard attention is focused on ways to obtain information about the circumstances of the violence committed against minors. It has been emphasized that the fact of sexual violence may become known to other persons, such as a school teacher, sports coach, relatives, etc. The received information on the circumstances of the event committed against the child necessitates the taking of appropriate measures by authorized persons. The author has listed reasons why not all the circumstances of violence are clarified, in particular: the imperfection of the educational process; reluctance of parents to make the event public; distrust of the child’s words; problems of investigators in the organization and tactics of individual investigative (search) actions; insufficient attention from social services. A particular attention is paid to the use of schemes, plans that would graphically reflect the sequence of events, their participants, places. It is emphasized that their use minimizes the possibility of omission from consideration of data relevant to the finding of the circumstances of criminal offenses. This is especially important in the case of a number of illegal actions against victims, including means of pressure. The degree of readiness of the authorized persons to receive information from minors about the circumstances of the violence committed against them also deserves attention. The emphasis is placed on the peculiarities of the organization of communication with children of different ages, including the use of anatomically detailed dolls, drawings, toys and more. The author has shown the importance of the psychologist in conducting communication and receiving information from the minor victim about the circumstances of the violence.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): https://er.dduvs.edu.ua/handle/123456789/7309
Розташовується у зібраннях:МОНОГРАФІЇ
Монографії кр
Плетенець Віктор Миколайович

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