У статті з’ясовано концептуальні зміни, що відбувалися у законодавчому закріпленні
форм власності у різні періоди існування УРСР як республіки СРСР та незалежної України.
Констатовано, що в країнах романо-германської правової сім’ї, до якої належить Україна, що
рецепіювали римське право, питання власності належать до питань конституційного рівня
регулювання і є прерогативою цивільного права. Тому цитовано відповідні нормативні положення
з Конституцій УРСР (1929, 1937, 1978 років), Конституції України (1996 року), Цивільного
кодексу України 2003 р. з констатацією відповідних змін. Зроблено висновок щодо необхідності
дотримування балансу для повноцінного розвитку усіх форм власності. The article is devoted to clarifying the conceptual changes that took
place in the legislative consolidation of forms of ownership in different periods of the existence of the Ukrainian
Soviet Socialist Republic as a republic of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and independent Ukraine. It was
established that in the countries of the Romano-Germanic legal family, to which Ukraine belongs, that adopted
Roman law, ownership issues are related to issues of the constitutional level of regulation and are the prerogative of
civil law. Thus, relevant regulatory provisions from the Constitutions of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic
(1929, 1937, 1978), the Constitution of Ukraine (1996), and the Civil Code of Ukraine 2003 are cited, with a
statement of the relevant changes. At the same time, the Constitution of 1929 approved one form of ownership -
socialist state ownership. The Сonstitution of 1937 established the identity of state ownership as ownership of the
entire nation and established the role of the state as an organization that carries out its operational management.
And in the 1978 Constitution of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, the basis of the economic system of the
Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic is socialist ownership of the means of production in the form of state (national)
and collective farm-cooperative ownership. Personal ownership of citizens, the basis of which is labor income, was
also allocated. The norms of the Constitution of Ukraine of 1996 establish the existence of ownership of the
Ukrainian people, on behalf of which the right of ownership is exercised by state authorities and local selfgovernment bodies; private, state and communal ownership.
Analysis of the norms of legislative acts on forms of ownership shows the presence of conflicts,
which requires improvement of the relevant legislation. A conclusion was made about the expediency of
the existence of different forms of ownership on an equal basis. However, it is necessary to maintain a
balance for the full development of all forms of ownership in order to achieve high socio-economic
indicators of the functioning of the state and society.