he article, based on the analysis of current legislation, available scientific, journalistic
and methodological sources, including foreign experience, defines the concept, clarifies the essence and
importance of ...
Навчальний посібник «Адміністративні процедури в діяльності Національної поліції
(збірник презентаційних слайдів)» підготовлений доктором юридичних наук, професором
Миронюком Романом Вікторовичем з метою підвищення рівня ...
The article examines the peculiarities of the application of measures of administrative
responsibility by police for committing an offense, as well as the procedure for appealing against their use in foreign countries and ...
. The article is devoted to the disclosure of the problem of administrative and legal status
of a general practitioner - a family doctor. Emphasis is placed on the importance of clearly defining the legal personality of ...
The administrative and legal support for the use of special means during administrative
detention is considered, the existing problems are singled out and the ways of their solution are outlined. On the other hand, a large ...
Every year the problems of professional training of police officers are paid more and
more attention by the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. Therefore, this article considers the features of ...
Tactical special training is part of the general professional training of law enforcement
officers. The purpose of studying this discipline is to obtain special knowledge by students, the formation of skills and abilities ...
In modern medicine, the health or death of one person is effectively used to save the
life or treatment of diseases of another, in science, cosmetology, pharmacology. This is a special method of surgical intervention, ...
The article provides a comprehensive analysis of the role of modern transnational companies
(TNCs) in the formation of the socio-economic and geopolitical reality of the information society. The
ability of TNCs to quickly ...
In the article, based on the analysis of the current legislation of Ukraine and the practice of its
application, the theoretical understanding of a number of scientific works from various fields of
knowledge, the essence, ...
The article focuses on legal aspects related to firearms in the National Police of Ukraine. The
article analyzes the current legal acts that define the difference between the term’s "use" and "active use"
of firearms, ...
This article focuses on the identification of primary infringements within the domain of human
rights and freedoms in temporarily occupied territories, as well as the delineation of protective
mechanisms. The study ...
The article examines the use of portable video recorders by precinct police officers when
responding to situations related to domestic violence.
Domestic violence is a very common problem that needs to be addressed by ...
The article, based on a critical analysis of the current legislation governing public relations in the
security and defense sector of the state, considers the state of regulatory and legal support in the fight
against ...
The full-scale invasion of the troops of the aggressor country on the territory of Ukraine does not
stop the commission of crimes that were widespread in our country in peacetime. Yes, one of these
offenses is domestic ...
Збірник містить матеріали Регіонального науково-практичої конференції, в якій брали участь науково-педагогічні працівники ДДУВС та інших закладів вищої освіти України, практичні працівники органів публічної влади, правозахисних ...