The main ways to defining the meaning of the concept of "political and legal ideology"
are described. The own way to understanding of the maintenance of the specified category, taking into account the purposes and functions ...
The article is devoted to the consideration of the security of participants in investigative
actions in the context of an pandemic. The article considers the content of the concept of «security» and
states that its ...
Research on the issue of administrative and legal counteraction to illicit drug
trafficking using the Internet. The paper states the existence of an extensive system of preventive research in the field of combating both ...
The Article examines the application of imprisonment to persons, which restricts their
ability to exercise a number of rights and freedoms, but the state undertakes to provide such persons with access to medical care and ...
The article highlights the problems of defining the concept of "guilt" in a tax offense,
which was introduced relatively recently, and therefore there is no established practice of law
enforcement in this area. The author ...
The scientific article is devoted to the study of the forensic characteristics of the person
of the offender and the person of the victim of domestic violence. The criminological features of the
structure of the offender's ...
The article highlights the issue of the concept and essence of martial law as an emergency legal
regime, the understanding of the concept of legal regime, as well as characteristic features, features of the
introduction ...
Посібник містить стислий виклад основних питань для підготовки до
атестації з курсу кримінального права України відповідно до програм
атестації для курсантів, слухачів та студентів юридичних ЗВО.
The article examines the etymological origins of the concept of "desecration" in Ukrainian
criminal law. The author points out that a thorough and comprehensive study of any criminal law
phenomenon requires a study of ...
The article considers organizational and preparatory measures for the inspection of a land plot of
state or communal property to which illegally acquired rights. Based on the analysis of the practice of
investigating the ...
The scientific article is devoted to the investigation of the subject of criminal encroachment of the
illegal fishing, as a constituent element of the forensic characteristics. The concept of the subject of
criminal ...
The article, based on the analysis of the opinions of scientists and the materials of investigative
practice, considers the peculiarities of the initiation of a pre-trial investigation into the intentional
destruction ...
In the article, based on the analysis of the opinions of scientists, the concept of forensic
characteristics is defined, which meets the modern requirements of the practice of investigating criminal
offenses. Forensic ...