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Title: Improvement of judo jumping techniques using fitball
Other Titles: Вдосконалення техніки прижків дзюдо з фітболом
Authors: Chobotko, M.A.
Chobotko, I.I.
Чоботько, М.А.
Чоботько, І.І.
Citation: Chobotko M.A. Improvement of judo jumping techniques using fitball / M.A. Chobotko, I.I. Chobotko // International forum: problems and scientific solutions: Proceedings of the 6th International Scientific and Practical Conference (Melbourne, 6-8 november 2020). - Melbourne, 2020. - P. 794-804
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: InterConf
Keywords: athletes
educational and training process
exercises with fitballs
навчально-тренувальний процес
вправи з фітболами
Abstract: All athletes were divided into control (n = 15) and experimental (n = 15) groups. A feature of the training process in the experimental group was the use of exercises with fitballs, which are aimed at improving the technique of throwing in judo.
Appears in Collections:НАУКОВІ СТАТТІ
Наукові статті
Чоботько М.А.
Чоботько І.І.

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